feeding your baby is personal

You deserve personalized support

get it today


whatever way you choose to feed your baby is best.

let us support you through all the feeding stages with evidence-based techniques and education.

Welcome to The Feeding Company!

 Every baby feeds differently, and every family has different feeding goals. We are here to provide you with the personalized support, attention, care, and expertise you and your baby deserve. The Feeding Company is here for YOU.

Our team consists of occupational therapists and lactation counselors highly trained in infant feeding at all stages. Our goal is to make feeding enjoyable for you and your baby!

Our Services

  • Prep

    Expecting? We’re here to help you feel ready to feed your baby, but not overwhelmed. Our prenatal education sessions are personalized to your goals to provide the information YOU want.

    Education Topics Include:

    -breastfeeding preparation

    -bottle feeding preparation

    -infant hunger cue education

    -infant oral motor skill development

    -feeding positioning

    -latching to both bottle and breast

    -bottle selection

    -nipple flow rate selection and transition

    -feeding volume and frequency

    -milk storage guidelines

  • Support

    Questions? Problems? Challenges? Feeding your baby is not always easy, but we’re here to provide you with evidence based support and education to make feeding your baby how YOU want it.

    Support Includes:

    -infant developmental skills

    -tongue, buccal, and lip ties

    -oral motor strengthening

    -oral sensation issues

    -reflux and digestive issues

    -oral structural issues

    -milk supply and volume

    -engorgement, plugged ducts, and mastitis

    -use of pumps, nipple shields, and additional feeding equipment

  • Plan

    Transitioning between feeding methods? Changing plans? Infant feeding is full of new experiences for you and baby. We’re here to help make every experience enjoyable and stress-free for YOU and baby.

    Planning Topics Include:

    -transition from breast to bottle

    -transition from bottle to breast

    -introduction of complementary foods

    -baby-led weaning, purees, and combining them both

    -weaning of breast feeding and bottle feeding

“We initially struggled with nursing, which was our personal goal. Our son had initially lost too much weight, but thanks to The Feeding Company, he started successfully breastfeeding after one week of working with them. At his 2 week appointment, he was up over his birthweight again. Eliscia provides exceptional, responsive, flexible, individualized and caring services, so I truly cannot recommend her and The Feeding Company enough.”

– Liz S.